HOW TO learn a new song (without hyperventilating)
So your teacher gave you a new and difficult piece? In a foreign language? And you're not *quite* confident in note reading? First things first, DON'T PANIC and use your brain Smart Singers!
Think systematically!
1. TEXT: Practice text completely separate from the notes and rhythms as you might a poem. (You read English, right? What does it all mean?) Is it in a foreign language? If so, this is the time to work on IPA and translation. Text is important! Go ahead and get inspired by what the song is about. If we don't know what we're singing, why bother?
2. RHYTHM: One phrase at a time, study the rhythm of the piece and clap it or speak on a neutral syllable. Don't be in a hurry here. Rhythm is especially tricky if we *think* we already know the piece. Challenge yourself to really slow down and look at what's on the page. You might be surprised .
3. TEXT IN RHYTHM: You guessed it, speak your text in rhythm. You might also trade speaking it in rhythm and reading it dramatically back and forth. This really helps us develop dramatic clarity that will work to our benefit later in performance.
4. MELODY: Sing the melody on Solfege or a neutral vowel that works for you vocally. Consider the melodic line...are there difficulties? Where will you need to breathe? Where can you rest/reset? If you struggle with note reading or solfege, ask for help! This is a great way to GET BETTER at it!
5. ALL TOGETHER NOW! Now we add the text and sing the song. If you've followed the above steps you have a solid and deep understanding of the piece. As well, happily, without even trying you're well on your way to memorization...tricky, right?